How the mindfulness circle was born

I still vividly remember the day I ran my first year-end gathering at La Luna back in 2020. I was so nervous, with fear and self-doubt constantly creeping into my mind. However, thanks to the support of my loved ones, the gathering went better than I could have ever imagined. It turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life, and I’m grateful that I stepped out of my comfort zone to do it. I learned so much from that gathering and the ones that followed. Starting La Luna has led me to believe that one of my purposes in life is to hold space for others.

Recently, I felt an inner calling to host similar gatherings on this land far from my roots. I decided yet again to step out of my comfort zone and follow this calling. When I posted this idea online, the response was overwhelmingly positive. I realised that many people, like me, long for a place where they feel a sense of belonging, love, and acceptance. So, next week, I will run my first mindfulness circle in Gold Coast, Australia. Yes, it sounds daunting! Yet, through practicing Vipassana, radical acceptance and letting go, I have learned to take refuge in Dhamma, in the Earth, in the Sun, in the Universe, in the impermanence of life, and most importantly, in myself. I trust that everything is unfolding as it should.

The Mindfulness Circle Project will be run by donations with all contributions going directly toward covering the circle’s expenses and future community projects. That said, the practice of “dana” (giving) can take many forms. We can give our time, energy, listening ear, or presence. We give through our care or our love. Making a donation is just one way to express gratitude. Leaving a handwritten note, offering homemade cookies, giving a hug, or paying it forward are all deeply appreciated.

The circle will be held weekly in the heart of Coolangatta, at the Clear Skies Project Studio. From the moment I walked through the studio door, I felt an immediate sense of belonging. It felt so right that I found myself whispering, “This is it. This is where the circle belongs.” So if you’re around, you’re very welcome to join. Just send me a text or register via link in bio.

With metta,
Thuy 🌿

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