Sometimes when I feel lost, this bucket list is the only thing that guides my way.
Travel alone – solo backpack trip- Learn 5 languages (French, Spanish, German, Chinese, Italian)
- Read 1000 books
- Try scuba diving
Learn to play guitarLearn to play ukuleleGo on a road tripQuit the full-time job and live the life I want- Learn to swim
- Write a book
- Visit every continent
- Learn to drive
- Ride a horse
Fall asleep under the stars (alone or with S.O I love)- Milk a cow (removed)
- Kiss in the rain
- Write and send a message in a bottle (removed)
Go to the highest point of something and yell as loudly as I canFollow my feet, not a map and let myself get lostWatch sunrise and sunset on the same daySwim under a waterfallPublic speakingTake a yoga classTake a meditation class- Take part in Vipassana Meditation Course
- See the Northern lights
Camp in a national park- LOVE deeply, madly, truly
Watch a meteor shower- Learn to skateboard (removed)
Get lost in a foreign countryStart a blog/websiteAdopt a dog/cat- Collect postcards from 60 countries (ongoing)
- Make a scrapbook (ongoing)
Write letters to my future self- Go skiing
- Sleep/camp on the beach (alone or with S.O)
- Write a song and play it
Watch the sunrise in Bagan – Myanmar- Carry out the dream project (ongoing)
- Make a short movie/documentary by myself (filmmaking)
- Translate a book
- Visit every country in Southeast Asia
Take IELTS examLive alone for a while in a new city- Collect 10000 stories from strangers
- Inspire someone
- Ride a boat
- Run a marathon
Have a tattooBe a vegetarian- Kiss a stranger
- Go to India
- Be a storyteller
- Be a zero waste person
- Run my own business (ongoing)
- Walk Camino de Santiago
- Visit Nepal
- Visit Bhutan
Live off-grid for a whileLive a minimalist lifeDIY home decorLearn to make natural shampoo bars/ soaps- Learn sign language
Do a random act of kindnessDo Volunteer work- Volunteer in Africa
- Take the Yoga Teacher Training Course
- Take a road trip in New Zealand
- Build a healing community
- (To be updated)…
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